
Among Us: What Parents Need to Know

April 19, 2024

Few parents can go more than a day without their kids talking about their favorite online games. Fortunately, there are many positive benefits to kids playing online video games in moderation, including improving problem solving skills and cultivating social cooperation. And many gamers (and their parents) believe that one particularly popular game does both quite well—Among Us.

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Held Hostage: Protect Your Small to Midsize Business from Cyber Attacks

April 7, 2024

It’s one of every small business owner’s worst nightmares: opening a laptop or other device and discovering that ransomware or some other cyber-attack is extorting data and information. And with cyber attacks on the rise, more and more small and midsize businesses are coming to grips with the need to step up their own online and digital security.

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Five Telehealth Services That Make Life Easier

April 2, 2024

Over the past few years, one of the most significant innovations impacting healthcare in America has been the massive expansion of online telehealth services. Given the numerous benefits and conveniences telehealth has to offer, that trend shows no signs of slowing down! From increasing access to specialists to reducing the spread of germs among vulnerable populations, the advantages of telehealth are considerable.

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How to Prepare for (and Ace!) Your Next Virtual Job Interview

January 25, 2024

Virtual interviewing is becoming more and more common in today’s job market. While remote interviewing may be more convenient, the distance and technical difficulties can be awkward, or even jarring, to would-be applicants. Fortunately there are tips from interviewing experts that prospective job seekers can use to get through—and even nail—a virtual job interview. We share some of their key insights and recommendations included in this article.

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Survive Winter Temps the “Smart” Way

January 7, 2024

Winter is upon us—and with it are cold temperatures, heavy snowfalls and ice, and dry, chafing air. While parts of the country are lovely in winter, there's no escaping the fact that colder temperatures and bleak weather can take their toll. Wintry weather also brings higher energy expenses. Home heating units often pump out warm air constantly just to keep the house comfortable—and at great costs, too. Thankfully, today's technology can help make winter more bearable. And utilizing Alpine Communications' high-speed fiber internet not only connects you to the most reliable network available but also helps keep your home warm and snug.

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How Smart Home Technologies and Help You and Your Home

December 19, 2023

Smart home automation refers to the use of technology to control and automate various aspects of a home, enhancing convenience and efficiency. This involves connecting and remotely managing devices such as lights, thermostats, security cameras, and appliances through a central system or a smartphone app. The goal is to create an interconnected ecosystem that allows users to monitor, control, and optimize their home environment for comfort, energy efficiency, and security. This is known as the “IoT: The Internet of Things”...

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Dropped Outbound Calls vs. Inbound Calls: When to Call Customer Service

December 14, 2023

We pride ourselves on keeping you connected, so when you experience a dropped call on our network, we want to do whatever we can to help. Unfortunately, if you’re on the receiving end of the dropped call, there’s not much we can do. In today’s article, we explain why dropped calls sometimes happen—and when to contact us for further support.

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Virtual Reality Headsets for the Holidays

November 22, 2023

Virtual Reality Headsets for the Holidays Step into a whole new world. According to D. Hardawar, Senior Editor at Engadget, the VR headset market has begun to mature. So, if you’ve been holding out to buy a headset, you chose wisely. Headsets have come a long way since the launch of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive six years ago. The Meta Quest 3 has just come out, and it’s the best standalone headset we’ve ever seen. And if you’re looking for a more immersive experience, high-end PC headsets are getting cheaper and the PS VR2 is a solid option for console gamers. The VR market is in a state of flux as we await Apple’s Vision Pro, but if you’re still hankering for some virtual action, we’ve collected some of the best options that we've tested and reviewed below.

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Eight Real-Life Ways Fiber Internet Makes a Difference

October 26, 2023

Just about any of our customers who have already made the switch from older forms of internet (like cable) to fiber broadband will tell you that fiber’s advanced technology is vastly superior to anything else they’ve used. From downloading files at near-lightspeed, to voluminous amounts of available bandwidth for handling multiple applications simultaneously, to more reliable material components that provide pristine streaming TV and movie experiences, fiber is simply heads-and-shoulders above cable, DSL, and satellite internet.

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