Five Tips for Managing Your Child’s Screen Time
June 20, 2023It’s indisputable that the internet is a modern-day marvel of information, entertainment, economic empowerment, and global communication—for people of all ages! And at Alpine Communications, we’re proud that our advanced fiber network brings all of those benefits to our community and your family. That said, it’s not surprising that many parents lament the amount of time their kids spend in front of their screens. From texting with their friends, to online gaming, to watching TikTok videos or streaming their favorite TV show, the hours can really add up. And parents aren’t wrong to wish that more of that screen time instead be spent on homework, exercise, enjoying fresh air—or even just having more quality time with their families. Thankfully, there are some things parents can do to manage and even limit their child’s screen time. Below we share five of our favorite tips developed by experts to help parents create a healthier balance for their kids and their devices. Read on to learn more!
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