October 2, 2020

Elkader, Iowa, October 2, 2020 – Broadband connections are vital for the growth and quality of life in rural Iowa. Alpine Communications is excited to announce we are investing $5.79 Million to expand the Fusion Network, a 100% fiber-optic network, to rural areas of McGregor, Guttenberg, and Garnavillo exchanges in Clayton County, Iowa.
The total estimated project cost is $5,799,956.78. The CARES Act and the State of Iowa funded 50% or $2,899,987.39 of the estimated project cost. In August 2020, the Empower Rural Iowa Emergency Broadband Expansion Program awarded $33.6 Million for 56 infrastructure projects in Iowa. The program will benefit residents and businesses as the need for distance learning, telework, telehealth, and other remote services continue due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Chris Hopp, Alpine’s general manager, described how the grant would impact the region. “Alpine Communications has invested millions of dollars in constructing the Fusion Network into our communities. The final phase is to take fiber to the sparsely populated areas of our network, also known as the “last mile.” The investment and time to connect customers to fiber are significantly more per customer in rural areas than in town. We are grateful for the OCIO’s grant to help carry the burden of this investment. We believe access to fiber-optic broadband enables our area to thrive now and far into the future.”
Fiber-to-the-home construction commenced in September 2020, and Alpine Communications with their contractors will complete the project by July 2021. More than 350 locations in the most remote parts of Alpine’s exchanges are part of the project.
Alpine Communications promises personal, timely, reliable service from people who live here. When you choose us, we all thrive. Visit https://join.alpinecom.net to follow the progress as Alpine Communications expands the 100% fiber-optic Fusion Network to new neighborhoods.
*The project was supported by federal funds made available through the CARES Act and the State of Iowa, acting by and through the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). Points of view expressed herein are those of the author or speaker and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the United States Government or State of Iowa or endorsement of the project.