May 21, 2020

You might see Samantha at the post office, bank, or supporting her children at various school activities. She’s known around the office as the go-to person for the postage machine and processing customer payments.
Samantha Moser takes life with ease but takes her role as administrative assistant very seriously. For nearly five years, Sam (her nickname in the office and real-life), has maximized the opportunities to expand her knowledge in accounting and telecommunications. She’s not done learning yet. “I would like to take more accounting classes so I can grow my skills to keep up with the fast-paced industry we work in.”
As Alpine Communications’ person in charge of ordering, Samantha uses email to connect with co-workers, clients, and vendors. The fulfillment she receives from the variety in her job ignites her passion for her work. “I enjoy what I do. I like handling the accounts receivable and payable. It’s nice because my job is something different every day – it’s not routine,” shared Moser.
You might see Samantha at the post office, bank, or supporting her children at various school activities. She’s known around the office as the go-to person for the postage machine and processing customer payments. Additionally, Samantha notes one accomplishment she is most proud of is her role in improving the inventory process at Alpine. She described, “Over the past three years, I have helped make inventory easier, and we’ve changed the process for the better.”
When asked about which Alpine Standard she most closely identifies with, Samantha shared, “‘Their time is more important than ours.’ Or ‘Be tenacious about getting it right.’” She continued, “I don’t want to do something wrong, and then I have to go back and fix it. I’d rather have it right the first time. Also, If I can do something without bothering someone else, I’d rather just do it myself and not waste their time, too.”
“Pretty laid-back” is how those close to Samantha would describe her. “But once I get an idea in my head, I have to do it. I’m determined,” she continues. She is a true friend and confidant to her circle of friends and family. Two other words that would always describe Samantha are: friendly and easygoing. When asked what makes her laugh really hard, she said, “When my family and I get together and share old memories.” Three words that never describe Samantha are: loud, dishonest, and dependent.
Samantha and her significant other, Chris Weber, live in Elkader with their five children ranging from ages 3 to 20. Moser was born and raised in Guttenberg, Iowa. Interestingly, Samantha was a member of the Class of 2001 from Guttenberg High School (Go Pirates), which was the last graduating class before they combined with Garnavillo to form Clayton Ridge.
She appreciates her down-time after a long day, and the quirkiest thing about Samantha is that “I have to play a game of Candy Crush on my phone before I go to sleep.”
Samantha’s adherence to her core beliefs and relaxed nature is apparent through her actions, which are qualities Sam’s peers appreciate about her.
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