FCC and FEMA Tips For Emergency Communication

August 14, 2020

When weather-related emergencies strike, it’s important for your safety to be prepared and stay connected:

Before an Emergency

  • Traditional landline telephone service usually works during electric power outages but you may need to use a corded phone; many cordless home phones rely on electric power to operate.
  • If a storm is coming, charge your wireless phone; keep an extra battery and a car charger on hand. Also, charge your laptop or tablet.
  • Broadcasters are an important source of news during emergencies.
  • Keep a battery-operated, solar-powered, or hand-crank-operated radio or portable television for use during power outages.

During an Emergency

  • Limit non-emergency phone calls. This will minimize network congestion, free up “space” on the network for emergency communications, and conserve battery power if you are using a wireless phone. If you do need to make a call, try to keep it brief.
  • Call 911 only for emergencies. Learn and use the designated number in your state for highway accidents or other non-life threatening incidents.
  • If you do not have electric power in your home and are using your car to charge wireless phones or listen to the news on the car radio, be careful. Remain vigilant about carbon monoxide emissions from your car, especially if it is in a closed space.

To learn more about the value of landlines during emergencies, call Alpine Communications at 563-245-4000.

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