
Woman Confused on a Cellphone

How to Reduce Unwanted Telemarketer Calls, Robocalls, and Text Messages

September 18, 2020

Your time is valuable. So if you’re tired of answering annoying telemarketer calls, robocalls, or texts, take action today by visiting the websites below.  Federal Communications Commission Unwanted calls – including illegal and spoofed robocalls – are the FCC’s top consumer complaint and our top consumer protection priority. These include complaints from consumers whose numbers are being spoofed or whose calls are being mistakenly blocked or labeled as a possible scam call by a robocall blocking app or service....

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Woman Laptop Coffee

8 Tips for Working from Home

September 10, 2020

For many people, a temporary work-from-home situation has become permanent. To help you be successful while working from home, we’ve compiled these tips to help you stay productive, set expectations, and have some fun. Cleanliness is next to godliness: You know what they say, cleanliness is next to godliness. Now more than ever, personal hygiene is important. Even though you are at home, washing your hands frequently and thoroughly is crucial. While there are many guides out there on proper...

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Bill Menner

Bill Menner Shares His Perspective On Telehealth and Broadband Connectivity in Iowa

September 1, 2020

During his appointment as the USDA State Director of Rural Development, Bill delivered more than $5 billion in loans, loan guarantees, and grants to rural borrowers.  Today, he serves as the Executive Director of the Iowa Rural Health Association, Executive Director of the Iowa Rural Development Council, and Founder/President and CEO of The Bill Menner Group.  Collectively, these roles give Menner a unique viewpoint about what is driving growth in rural Iowa…and how to overcome obstacles that stand in the...

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Clayton County 4-H and FFA Achievement Show Leverages Broadband to Thrive Despite Pandemic Woes

August 28, 2020

Clayton County ISU Extension and Outreach had a few worries as they pivoted from the traditional county fair to an Achievement Show format in August 2020 – but internet connectivity was not one of them.   As they have done for previous county fairs, the organization turned to Alpine Communications for broadband and telephone services for quality connections.        Holly Loan, Clayton County Extension Director, shared why Alpine Communications broadband services are integral to the event’s success. “Clayton County Extension and...

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Meet the Crew – Josh Dudley

August 24, 2020

There’s a new Alpine Communications broadband tech in town – Josh Dudley! He joined the company in June 2020 and has a passion for helping people connect.  Josh jump-started his career as an internet technical support representative, which branched off into a network technician for a company in Rock Island, Illinois.  Area Facebook users may recognize Josh from his technology start-up, D-Squared, where he helped customers with technical problems and repairs.  “Here I am today with Alpine Communications, helping to...

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Virtual Vacation

4 Creative Ways to Use the Internet to Connect

August 20, 2020

Before COVID-19 hit so close to home, the internet generally seemed like a handy tool. Depending on your job or interests, the world wide web might not have been something you gave any thought to. The internet was just there. Now, as we practice social distancing, that “handy tool” may be becoming a central part of our lives. While it certainly cannot replace good old-fashioned conversations at the neighborhood bakery or hands-on learning in the classroom, it does have the...

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storm on a wheat field

FCC and FEMA Tips For Emergency Communication

August 14, 2020

When weather-related emergencies strike, it’s important for your safety to be prepared and stay connected: Before an Emergency Traditional landline telephone service usually works during electric power outages but you may need to use a corded phone; many cordless home phones rely on electric power to operate. If a storm is coming, charge your wireless phone; keep an extra battery and a car charger on hand. Also, charge your laptop or tablet. Broadcasters are an important source of news during...

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Our Role as Community Connectors

August 7, 2020

Chris Hopp believes connected communities thrive. For Chris, “community” is broadly defined as a local area, like-minded people, or a shared mission such as manufacturing or healthcare. Broadband services, in his experiences, facilitate connections within communities so they can thrive. My role is to work with all of the communities we serve and the employees to ensure we are giving folks the services they need and want. We focus on the customer experience and just make sure to solve the...

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Rachel Franks

Meet the Crew – Rachel Franks

July 29, 2020

Join us in welcoming Rachel Franks to Alpine Communications. Rachel is the Accounting Assistant and started her career at Alpine in May 2020. Her job duties include maintaining accounting records, tracking projects with work orders, invoicing, quotes, and managing payroll.  Her roots run deep in Clayton county. Rachel is from rural Saint Olaf, Iowa, a graduate of Central Community School, and she received her Accounting Clerk and Specialist degree from Northeast Iowa Community College. You may recognize Rachel from her...

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Welcome Home Iowa

Broadband and Housing Incentives Can Attract Movers to Rural Iowa

July 23, 2020

The ongoing pandemic has demonstrated the security and convenience of living in rural Iowa. Residents have access to quality healthcare, close relationships with schools and colleges, the comfort of knowing your neighbors, and the space to be free – and social distance. Furthermore, broadband technology connects us to faraway friends using technologies such as Facetime or Zoom. For others, they can maintain their jobs through remote work capabilities. Alpine Communications has experienced an uptick in requests from people connecting broadband...

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